Municipal taxes: what does the tenant pay and what costs are for the landlord

Municipal taxes can be confusing, especially if you are a tenant. What do you have to pay, and what are the landlord's responsibilities? In this article, we provide a clear overview of municipal taxes and the associated costs so you know exactly what to expect.

Introduction to municipal taxes

Before diving into the specific responsibilities of tenants and landlords, let's first look at what municipal taxes are. Municipal taxes are levies imposed on residents and businesses within a particular municipality. These taxes can vary depending on local regulations and are usually calculated based on the property's value or the taxpayer's income.

Types of municipal taxes

There are various types of municipal taxes, including property tax (OZB), sewerage charges, waste disposal charges, and water board taxes. These taxes can differ per municipality, so it’s important to know which specific taxes apply in your municipality.

In addition to these well-known forms of municipal taxes, there are other taxes that municipalities can impose. For example, a municipality might introduce a dog tax, where dog owners must pay a certain amount annually for keeping a dog. This tax is used to cover the costs of cleaning up dog waste and maintaining dog parks.

It is important to know that municipal taxes can differ per municipality. Each municipality has its own tax rates and rules. Therefore, it is wise to inform yourself about the specific taxes applicable in your municipality. This information can be found on the municipality's website.

Tax responsibilities of the tenant

Tenant taxes: what does the tenant pay?

The tenant is responsible for certain municipal taxes. An example is the waste disposal charge. This charge is intended to cover the costs of waste processing and is usually billed annually. The exact amount can vary depending on factors such as the size of the household and the municipality you live in.

In addition to the waste disposal charge, other municipal taxes, such as sewerage charges, may also apply. This charge is used to cover the costs of maintaining and installing sewer systems. The amount you need to pay is usually calculated based on your household's water consumption.

Tax responsibilities of the landlord

Costs for the landlord: what do you pay?

As a landlord, you also have certain tax responsibilities. One of the main costs for landlords is the property tax (OZB). This tax is calculated based on the value of the rented property and is billed annually. Additionally, landlords may also face other municipal charges, such as sewerage charges.

Tax benefits for landlords

While paying municipal taxes can be a cost for landlords, there are also certain tax benefits they can take advantage of. For example, landlords may qualify for tax deductions for certain maintenance and renovation work on their rental properties. It is important to be aware of these potential benefits and to investigate whether you qualify for them.

How municipal taxes are calculated

Factors affecting municipal taxes

The amount of municipal taxes can vary depending on several factors. One of the main factors is the property's value. The higher the property's value, the higher the tax assessment will be. This tax assessment is for the landlord.

Additionally, other factors, such as the size of the household and the taxpayer's income, also play a role in determining the amount of taxes.

Tax rates per municipality

Each municipality has its own tax rates, so it is important to know the rates in your specific municipality. These rates can change annually, so it is wise to regularly check for any changes and how they may affect your tax assessment.

Frequently asked questions about municipal taxes

What do I need to inform the municipality to know which part the tenant and which part the landlord must pay?

Once a tenant has registered at the address, the municipality calculates the amount the tenant needs to pay based on the household's size. The tenant is automatically billed for this. The landlord will also need to pay their share of the municipal taxes. This is also calculated by the municipality, and you will receive a notice about it.

How can I pay my municipal taxes?

You can usually pay your municipal taxes in various ways, such as via direct debit, bank transfer, or through an online payment platform of the municipality. It is important to check which payment methods are available in your municipality and to fulfill your payment obligations on time to avoid any fines or additional costs.

What happens if I do not pay my municipal taxes?

If you do not pay your municipal taxes on time, this can have serious consequences. You could receive fines, incur additional costs, and even face legal proceedings. Therefore, it is essential to take your payment obligations seriously and pay your taxes on time.


As a tenant, it is important to be aware of your responsibilities regarding municipal taxes. In short, the tenant pays the user portion of the taxes. As a tenant, you use the sewerage system and waste processing.

Landlords, in turn, have tax obligations, such as property tax. It is essential to understand how municipal taxes are calculated and the factors that play a role. Also, remember to regularly check the tax rates in your municipality and pay your taxes on time to avoid problems. By being well-informed about municipal taxes, you can better manage your financial obligations as a tenant or landlord.


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