Which properties are suitable for long-term rental

You may have noticed that there have been ongoing discussions about regulating the rental sector by introducing an additional segment: mid-range rental. These properties would no longer fall into the free sector and would have a maximum rent price. Whether a mid-range rental sector will be established is still uncertain, but in practice, we see that landlords are hesitant to acquire new properties. However, there are properties you can purchase for rental that will remain in the free sector even if mid-range rental is implemented. In this article, we will provide more information on the types of properties you can buy for long-term rental.

Single-family homes

When purchasing a property for rental, many factors influence your return on investment. One important factor is whether the property remains in the free sector. If a mid-range rental sector is established, rent prices will be regulated for properties scoring below 187 points on the WWS (Housing Valuation System). Therefore, it is important to look for properties that score above 187 points. For example, single-family homes with an area of 100m2 or more often score around or above 187 points. Additionally, single-family homes typically come with a garden and a large living area, making them popular among expats and relatively scarce on the rental market, which means they usually rent out quickly at a good price.

Sustainable homes

Sustainability is an important topic within the housing market. A better energy label results in more rental points and can make the difference between whether your property falls into the free sector. If you are looking to purchase a property for long-term rental, we recommend choosing a property with at least an energy label A. A single-family home with an energy label A scores 40 points. With an A++ label, you can even add 52 points.

Medium-sized monuments

In the city center of Haarlem, there are many historic properties. These properties automatically receive 50 points due to their monumental status. A medium-sized property (at least 70m2) with monument status can quickly exceed 100 points. However, you need to consider the potential for making the property more sustainable. You cannot make changes to a historic building without a permit from the municipality. For example, it may not always be possible to install double glazing.

Holiday homes

Another good option to consider is purchasing a holiday home. Regulations regarding rental can vary depending on the park or location, so first check with the park where the property is situated to see if renting is allowed. The significant advantage of holiday homes is that tenant protection does not apply, and the WWS points system does not affect them.

Despite potential changes in the points system, it is still possible to purchase properties for long-term rental. Make sure you are well-informed to maximize your return on investment.



When a tenant can or cannot object to the rent