Bart-Jan Ligtenstein Bart-Jan Ligtenstein

Purchase protection in Haarlem: can you still buy to let?

The Purchase Protection Act aims to discourage buy to let. The extent to which you as a real estate investor are affected by this depends on the municipality in which you rent out your property. How does this work exactly?

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Bart-Jan Ligtenstein Bart-Jan Ligtenstein

Can I rent out a house with a mortgage?

There are plenty of reasons to rent out a house (temporarily). But are you allowed to rent out a house with a mortgage? In theory, usually not, but in practice, quite a few exceptions are made. Do you want to rent out your house with a mortgage? Koops Makelaardij will think along with you about the possibilities.

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Bart-Jan Ligtenstein Bart-Jan Ligtenstein

Can I rent out my house? 5 conditions explained

Buying a house and renting it out, or renting out your own house, is that allowed? Yes and no. Whether you are allowed to rent out your house depends on certain conditions. We will list the most important ones in this article.

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Diederik Gerbranda Diederik Gerbranda

The new points system: What changes for you as a landlord

For some time now, there have been regular reports in the news about regulating mid-rent. In the meantime, more is known about what this regulation entails in legal terms. But what does this mean for private investors and how to deal with these changes?

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Bianca Jamoel Bianca Jamoel

New cabinet plans for the housing market

After months of intensive negotiations, PVV, NSC, VVD, and BBB presented their coalition agreement on Wednesday, May 15. The housing market holds a prominent place in this agreement. What are the incoming cabinet's plans for the housing market? We've summarized the key points for you.

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